The Paint Studio at Ace

Website UI

The Paint Studio at Ace aimed to enhance the user experience by creating a seamless color browsing platform that replicates the in-store experience while incorporating user-friendly tools and a scalable framework.



Site Icons

Site Icons

Color Selection
The primary objective of the redesign was to make browsing color effortless for users. To achieve this, we implemented a meticulously designed system that presents color chips online in the same order as they appear at local Ace Hardware stores. This consistency ensures familiarity and convenience for users, allowing them to browse colors effortlessly. Additionally, we incorporated various browsing options, including color by brand, hue, and palettes, providing users with a comprehensive range of choices to explore.

A key aspect of the redesign was the implementation of a new framework that facilitated the addition of valuable features. We introduced a saved color swatches feature, enabling users to save their favorite colors for future reference. 

Color Selector Page

Color Selector Page

Color of the Month Page

Color of the Month Page

The Paint Calculator
Beyond the color browsing engine, we reimagined and improved several helpful tools on the site. One of the notable additions was a paint calculator, allowing users to determine the required amount of paint for their projects accurately. Additionally, we developed user-friendly tips and a paint personality quiz, enhancing engagement and guiding users towards suitable color selections based on their preferences and project requirements.


Paint Calculator Page

Paint Calculator Page

Project Checklist
Furthermore, we integrated Ace Hardware’s paint project checklist, providing users with a comprehensive guide to ensure a smooth and organized painting process. The scalable nature of the framework allowed for easy future expansion, ensuring the website remains adaptable to evolving user needs and technological advancements.

Product Page

Product Page

In summary, my UI work was a significant undertaking that resulted in a user-centric and feature-rich platform. By seamlessly replicating the in-store browsing experience and incorporating user-friendly tools, we created a platform that fosters engagement and supports informed decision-making. The addition of innovative features, such as saved color swatches and the paint project checklist, further enhanced the user experience.

Locations Page

Locations Page
